National Vice Presidents

(State Quota) 1922 - 1991

John Fahey 1922 - 1924
William E. Harvey 1924 - 1928
Michael N. O'Sullivan 1928 - 1929
William E. Harvey 1929 - 1930
Michael N. O'Sullivan 1930
Ernest H. McGinley 1930 - 1935
Herbert Cheetham 1935 - 1944
Michael P. Pender 1944 - 1946
Vincent C. Gair 1946 - 1947
Robert W. Radford 1947 - 1949
William J. Thompson 1949 - 1961
James A. Murphy 1961 - 1967
Joseph (Leo) Juratowitch 1967 - 1973
Ronald T. C. Leahy 1973 - 1974
Robert F. A. Ward 1974 - 1976
James A. Murphy 1976 - 1981
Patrick J. Bredhaver 1981 - 1983
Thomas G. Killin 1983 - 1984
Robert F. A. Ward 1984 - 1988
Leslie T. Hogan 1988 - 1990
Alfred P. Roughan 1990 - 1991 

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